How To Block Porn On Kid’s Digital Devices?

Last Updated on July 26, 2024

block porn content on kids devices

The web is full of adult content, and internet-connected devices of the children are frequently visiting porn.

Seemingly, it is hard to protect your children from the exposure of X-rated content these days.

A few years ago, it was tough for parents to prevent teens from explicit content, but technology has made its way to the next level.

You can protect your teens from porn, sexually explicit, and inappropriate content like videos, photos, and images.

In this post, we will discuss the impact of carnal content on children. And you will get to know about the ways to reduce the exposure and risk of your child.

According to a study of youth aged kids 10-17 who have found exposed to online pornography. More than 42% of the kids watch adult content on their digital devices, which negatively affects children.

Online Porn And Kid's Statistics

The following stats would tell the whole story of why parents need to block adult content on kids’ devices.

  • More than 90% of the male teens and 60% of female teens are obsessed with internet porn
  • Almost 70% of the male boys spend at least 30 minutes watching porn
  • 67% of the teens secretly remove browsing history from parents after watching porn
  • 80% of the teens get access to the adult content accidentally
  • 25% of the requests sent to search engine regarding porn sites

Parents can read stats and know how much it is necessary to block porn on kids’ digital devices.

Why Block Porn On Kid's Digital Devices?

Online pornography or X-rated content can cause serious health issues for your kids.

Young children’s addiction to porn can damage their health and mental wellbeing.

The internet of things can lead children to frequent exposure to carnal content.

Therefore, exposure to adult sites and cellphones, and PCs as X-rated theaters can cause negative implications on kid’s mental, emotional, and physical behavior.

ensure a safe online environment for your children by blocking porn on their digital devices!

Pornographic Effects On Kid's

There are several kinds of implications a child could face addicted to online adult content that every parent needs to know. Let’s talk about it in the following.

Aggressive Behavior

Porn addicts are more likely to become aggressive with the people in their friend circle. The tendency to bear arguments from other peoples starts declining.

Young kids obsessed with carnal content show aggressive behavior.

Parents often exchange heated words with the kids connected to the cellphones and PCs and spend most of the time watching X-rated content. Most kids stats addicted to porn starts bullying at school and on the web.

Addiction To Digital Devices

Digital devices like cellphones and PCs connected to cyberspace make young users addicted to pornography. Kids spend most of the time on digital devices connected to cyberspace. They use cellphones and PCs as X-rated theaters and visit.

Least Amount Of Respect Towards Women

Porn-addicted teens start developing least among of respect against the opposite gender. Therefore, people are witnesses to the sexual harassment of females at schools and business organizations.

People addicted to porn starts thinking of females as a piece of flesh rather than a human being.

The porn addiction among male teens makes them psychopaths that always try to fulfill their sexual motives no matter what.

The Tendency To Isolate From Family

X-rated content exposure makes teens live in isolation. Porn addicted teens more likely to spend time lonely with friends and family members.

It affects kid’s social life to the fullest, and at the end of the day, your kids cut themselves off from playgrounds and family occasions.

So, parents have to block porn or X-rated content on teen’s digital devices connected to the internet.

Health Issues

Obsession with Adult content can cause depression, anxiety, and stress. They always seem distracted all the time.

They start developing hyper sexual behavior and spend most of the time to fulfill their sexual fantasies on cellphones and PCs connected to the internet.

Teens obsessed with sexual content more likely to visit adult sites, cam porn, and nude images all the time. So, parents have to keep an eye on the browsing history of digital devices.

Overprotective Of Their Digital Devices

Young kids and teens become overprotective of cellphones and computer devices because of their X-rated browsing activities.

They don’t show their cellphone or PCs screen to family and friends. Suppose your child is using mobile and computer devices secretly. It means they are doing something inappropriate under the carpet.

Parents can safeguard teens from porn and X-rated content using the following tactics and via parental control app on digital devices to filter and block porn websites to the fullest.

Block Porn Or X-Rated Content On Kid's Digital Devices

There are the following tactics and ways to filter and block adult content on kids’ digital devices to the fullest. Let’s take a look at the following.

How to block porn on Android devices?

Enable parental controls on the Play Store app.

Google Play Store has parental control restrictions to prevent users from downloading suspicious and adult apps. But you have to know how the below steps will help you to block adult and porn apps.

  • Open the Google Play Store on the targeted device
  • Press on display the image on the right corner of the app
  • Press on settings
  • Click on the family option
  • Then, click on parental controls and turn it on by pressing the switch in front of it.
  • Create a strong password or PIN for specific content and press the OK button.
  • Choose the apps and games category that you wish to block and save.
  • Furthermore, you can set limitations for movies as well.

Google Family Link

Google family link is a feature offered by Android devices to block porn content from targeted devices. It sets limitations for kids’ digital well-being and gives them a protective environment. Follow the given steps to restrict adult content.

  • Log in to the Google accounts from kids’ and parents’ devices, then download and open the family link on the parent device.
  • Choose the family member account, then click on the view apps/more option within the installation to check out the applications.
  • Click on the porn app/content and click on the switch before allowing the app to block.

How to block porn on iPhone?

To restrict porn from iPhone, you’ve to follow the setting steps.

This setting is specific for iPhone 12 or the latest.

  • Open iPhone settings
  • Click on the screen time icon,
  • And click on the content and privacy restriction option.
  • Now click n web content and select the adult/porn websites

Settings for iPhone 11 and the latest

  • Open the settings
  • Click on general
  • Press on restriction and enable
  • Now you’ve to set a pasword to set restrictions
  • Press on the website from the restrictions
  • Click on Limit adult content
  • Now press on adding a website on the never allow section from the website screen
  • Enter the type of web address/URL in the pop-up, and the website will be restricted from the device.

Turn on Google SafeSearch on PC, IOS or Android

Google provides a feature, SafeSearch, to prevent kids from exploiting content. This enables parents to secure their kids from adult and porn websites. To do this, you’ve to follow the steps.

  • Open the google chrome application
  • Click on the icon and tap settings from list
  • Select general and click on safesearch
  • Then ensure the list turns on.

Ask Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

The Internet allows users to access all kinds of content online. Thus, parents should use a solution to protect their children from adult and inappropriate content on the Internet.

Some DNS services provide built-in features for blocking and filtering content, but they are not all the same. Therefore, here are steps to set up the DNS server to restrict kids’ access to the Internet.

  • Open settings
  • Tap on the network option setting
  • Select the wi-fi and click for advanced options
  • Click on Change settings and set them accordingly.

Use Parental Control Features Of Kid's Phones & Pcs

Parents can set parental control by using the features of digital devices. It empowers you to control the browsing activity of the children on the internet of things.

Parents can block most visited adult websites, communities, and social applications that make your child watch inappropriate content. Usually, built-in features of the operating systems of phones and PCs allow you to limited parental controls.

So, parents can use OgyMogy cell phone spyware to get rid of adult content.

Manually Monitor Kid's Browsing History

Parents can check the browsing history of kid’s cellphones and PCs manually and get to know about the activities to the fullest.

Most teens become overprotective of the devices and don’t allow parents and exchange arguments.

In a situation like that, parents should get to know about the sleeping patterns of teens. You can check their devices to the fullest.

Watch The Gallery Of Your Child's Cellphone Manually

Parents need to monitor and check out the cellphone gallery. It will enable parents to what sort of videos and images their kids have downloaded.

Parents should remember that your porn addict child will not allow you to check their cellphone. So, parents have to check the phone gallery secretly.

Use Password-Protected Wi-Fi In Your Houses

Parents should not leave unprotected Wi-Fi internet connections at home.

It prevents kids connect their digital devices with cyberspace connections.

It helps out parents to prevent kid’s access porn websites, images, and videos.

How can parents stop kids from porn on cellphones and laptop devices at school or anywhere else?

Use OgyMogy Parental Monitoring Software To Block Porn On Kid's Devices?

You are struggling to prevent kids from porn and X-rated content, and you are helpless to do so.

You can install OgyMogy parental control software to block adult content on kid’s devices.

Install OgyMogy To Prevent Kids From Carnal Content

Parents can install phone and windows spy software on kid’s digital devices.

Users can visit the official webpage of parental control software and get the license.

Further, get physical access to the target device and execute the installation process. Users can get access to the online web control panel to visit features.

Use OgyMogy Features To Block Porn & X-Rated Content On Kid's Devices

There are the following features you can filter and block adult sites, and you can monitor every activity of your child on computer devices.

Block Adult Websites On Kid's Devices

You can use a computer parental control app to block porn app or sites on windows and mac devices.

Parents can use the URLs of frequently visited adult sites and send them to the filters.

It blocks the inappropriate websites, and unable kids access the blocked websites to the fullest.

Monitor Browsing History Of Kids Pcs And Phones

Parents can use the parental tracking app for cellphones and PCs to get access to browsing history.

Users can watch all the visited adult websites, bookmarked webpages, and many more.

Parents can see the most frequently visited sites with the schedule.

Watch Live Activities Of Children On Pcs And Phones Screen

Users can use the live screen recording software on target devices to record back-to-back short videos of phone and PC screens.

Parents can further send the recorded videos to the online dashboard. You can visit the videos and get to know about the activities of the children.

Capture Screenshots Remotely

Parents can capture screenshots of the cellphone screen to stay updated about kids browsing activities.

View Installed Applications

Users can get a list of the adult apps installed on the target device using parental spy software for phones and PCs.


Are you the parents of young teens?  You have no way out to protect the teen from porn or X-rated content? Gone are the days when you were unable to block porn websites on kid’s digital devices.

Now use parental control software to block adult content on cellphones and PCs of kids and get a piece of mind.

Turn your kids’ screens into safe zones—start protecting their digital journey today!